Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Sunny weekend

After some rain and wild weather over the last week or so the sun finally decided to come out over the weekend so it would have been rude to not go out walking. 

We did the North Head walk which was pretty cool, lots of different things to see. 
From Little Manly the walk goes past a scenic park which is the site of a former gasworks and you come to Collins Beach. Which is very pretty, and has a waterfall at one end.

and a bandicoot habitat (not sure where they hang out, but we didn't see any... Maybe next time)

From the lookout right at the end of North Head we could see the whales spouting (possibly incorrect use of the verb) and splashes of white-water when they breached/jumped/frolicked. Though try as we might, we couldn't see the whales themselves, just a little too far offshore and poor eyesight/no binoculars. I also think it has a little to do with the fact whales are quite good at camouflaging with the ocean. 
It was pretty excited by seeing evidence of whales nonetheless.

The remainder of the walk was over boardwalks though some interesting paths and though a wetland back to Shelly Beach. And Sam harassed this weird looking plant, I like to call this photo: George Michael the botanist.

Monday, 6 June 2011

Manly police

Ride horses! On the beach!

Apparently not all of them, and not all the time. Manly police have also been spotted walking the beat like normal police, and on bikes cycling the corso. But really, what commands more respect, a copper on a 10-speed or these two on their trusty steeds?

(Photo taken from the Manly Food & Wine festival last Saturday - on my new phone camera. Yup, work upgraded me to a brand new phone. Of course I had no idea what to get, luckily Sam steered me in the right direction and I am now the owner of a Nexus S - otherwise known as the new andriod phone from Google. It has a pretty sweet phone camera too!).

Vivid Sydney

Last week was the start of the Vivid festival here in Sydney, with light sculptures around Circular Quay and the lighting of the Sydney Opera house sails with all sorts of funky light patterns. We have been into town a couple of times since the sails were lit,(once to catch Cut Copy at the Opera House - also part of the Vivid Festival - hands in the air good times were had) and I have attempted to capture the sails and lights using the camera on my phone.

There are somewhat better images on the festival homepage (strange that they are better quality than my camera phone taking shots out of the ferry window..) If you want to check it out, the link is here: http://vividsydney.com/